Hey lovelies,
You may have guessed from the title of this post why I've been a terrible blogger!
As some of you may know from my previous posts I'm a track and field athlete, to be more precise i run 100m and 200m - read here and here. I was living in Orlando, Florida for a while, chasing the sun and getting some much needed warm weather training in order to prepare for the season. Anyway, I'm waffling, so I'll just get right to the point... yes, you've guessed it, I WILL BE COMPETING ATHE OLYMPIC GAMES, which kicks off in less than 8 days!!!
So, there you have it, I've been a crap blogger because i been trying to qualify for the Great Britain team... i think that warrants a good excuse?!
Anyway, from now on I'll be getting my blogging on and bringing you all that's new with VJA, so watch this space.
You can follow us on our facebook - where i will be updating my Olympic journey and of course on our twitter - @vintagejumble or my own personal twitter account - @abioyepitan
Abi xxx